Blue Water's Stories
One of our core beliefs is “we don’t just write a check”. The personal relationships we have forged with our recipients is the best part of what we do at BWSF. Here are what a few of our recipients say about us:
BWSF has had so many great impacts on my life, if they hadn’t come into my life at the time that they had I was planning to drop out of SUNY Maritime and just work full time to alleviate the pressure of some of the bills at home. Their contribution helped me to finish School and graduate with my license and degree from SUNY Maritime.
Right as the pandemic hit, I lost my mother and five years before that I had lost my father. I was now the head of the household at 26 taking care of my three younger brothers and as lost as I could ever be. But the continuous help from the founders at BWSF, helped me through some of the hardest days in my life. I will never forget the support that he gave me during those day, and for that BWSF will always hold a very special place in my heart.
The Bluewater Scholarship fund is different because they look at the needs of the students to determine scholarship eligibility and if students are in immediate need the BWSF will do what they can to help. BWSF helped with funds for my summer sea term that my family and financial aid was not able to help with and it allowed me to continue my summer sea term.
The Blue Water Scholarship Fund has been, and continues to be, a game-changer for me. The opportunities they have provided me while in school are amazing. In addition to the aid I receive, BWSF recipients also gain access to a network of professionals that offer employment upon completion of your degree. In a way, BWSF recipients and administrators become like family. If you are having any issues with school, they always find time to chat and lend their perspective. Being a recipient of the BWSF is an honor but BWSF team’s commitment to you is priceless!
The Blue Water Scholarship Fund has a personal level that other organizations don’t. The members of the fund reach out to you throughout the year to keep up with how you’re doing. They don’t just contact you about the status of your application. They provide insight on the industry and they really care about each cadet. Without BWSF my mariner training would have been a much larger burden on me and my family. Thanks to this scholarship that stress has been lifted. Additionally, The founders of the Blue Water Scholarship Fund have been so great to me that when I get older I want to have the same positive impact on cadets.
As a Blue Water Scholarship applicant, you are not judged solely on height of GPA or number of academic awards. BWSF looks for those who are passionate, hardworking, and in need of a helping hand. They truly care about the recipients, and make every effort to assist them, whether it be through financial assistant or personal advice. BWSF has had an incredibly positive impact on my life. As a returning recipient, BWSF has helped me countless times, and is a major contributor to my ongoing success and confidence at the academy. If you need assistance because your dream to become a merchant mariner is jeopardized by factors you cannot control, reach out to them and apply. They help those truly in need.
The main difference that I have seen between Blue Water and other scholarship funds is the effort that your team put into getting to know the applicants and recipients of the fund. It shows that you all care and are passionate about the work and aid that you offer to cadets working towards their respective licenses. I haven’t seen that from any other scholarship sources.